The Eagle’s Wings Foundation and UVC (Universal Vacation Club) are closely associated thanks to the support given by UVC to the charity, not to mention that it was the idea of a UVC board member, Jim McCarthy to launch the Eagle’s Wings Foundation in 1999.
The Eagle’s Wings Foundation and UVC work together to bring the donations and volunteer work offered by vacation club owners to the most needed areas in Mexico. The idea of the The Eagle’s Wings Foundation is to provide aid and support to projects that run in the areas where Universal Vacation Club in conjunction with the Villa Group operate timeshare resorts. It is a way for timeshare owners to “give back” to the poorest sectors of the communities where they take regular vacations.
The money raised by The Eagle’s Wings Foundation and UVC as well as donations are directed towards locally run programs and projects, working on the premise that charities already running within the local communities will be able to offer the best use of donations and volunteers. The kinds of projects supported by The Eagle’s Wings Foundation are things like scholarships, orphanages, libraries, schools in deprived areas and more. In the past, the Eagle’s Wings Foundation has been able to facilitate the donations of school buses and ambulances, working through the red tape involved in such donations.
UVC timeshare owners can help the Eagle’s Wings Foundation by donations and attending fundraising events. Members are also welcome to volunteer their time while on vacation, in addition to bringing items to donate to schools such as books, pencils, paper etc. Any monetary donations to the Eagle’s Wings Foundation are also tax deductible to encourage greater generosity to help this worthy cause in Mexico.