Unfortunately, scammers are finding more creative ways to scam innocent people. Tech support is one scam that has been around for decades, but people are still being scammed by it. Learn more about the common scams for tech support below:
- Common Tech Support Scams: The most common tech support scam is a popular scam that involves malware software, which will damage or disable computers. Innocent people are lured in by having you contact the support tech team by telephone or email, but beware as this is where they will scam you.
- Fraudulent Support: A fraudulent support staff member will contact you claiming that your computer or laptop has a problem occurring. The fraudulent support staff member may tell you that your computer or laptop has system errors, licensing issues, or they may even display a blank screen. The scam will occur when they offer to repair the problems with your computer or laptop, but you do have to pay for these repairs. In some of the more creative scams the fraudulent support staff member will ask for you to give them permission to access your computer so they can repair it, but this is when all of your personal information is available to them.
- Website Scams: The most common scams for tech support are on websites that are hosted. You may be surfing the internet, then a pop up message will come up on your screen or your screen will turn black, and this is when most people think they have just gotten a virus. The website scam will occur when you see a Windows or Apple message instructing you that your computer system has an error and you should contact them at a number that was provided. The number that you are instructed to call may come with high fees just for the phone call or the tech support scammer is wanting to have complete access to your computer so they can get ahold of your personal information, or they will start off by charging a large fee to repair the problem.
According to Microsoft, if you have been scammed you should do this:
- Uninstall and turn off all remote management tools on your computer or laptop
- Run your antivirus and clean your computer
- Have all your security updates completed
- Reset all passwords
- Contact your credit card company and report the scam immediately
- Watch your computer for any activity that is unusual
- Reset your computer back to a previous date
Have you been involved in a tech support scam in the past? If you have, then you can share your experiences in the comments box below.