As a timeshare consultant and legal advisor, some of the most common questions I get are “do people still buy timeshares?” and “what’s really the point of having a timeshare?” because people think that the timeshare business went out with the nineties. Well, yes people do still buy timeshares and join vacation clubs, and this is in no small part because of the way that the industry has evolved to meet the needs of consumers.
Timeshare and Vacation Clubs Have Evolved
Most timeshare providers and vacation clubs have developed past the system of allocating set weeks and suites, and have adopted the more modern (and popular) points based system. This gives members and owners much more freedom and flexibility when it comes to their vacations. It means you choose where and when you want to take your vacation, and for how long you’d like to stay. You can choose to take a very short, very luxurious break, or a longer vacation in more economical rooms. The point is that it’s all up to you.
Regular Travel at Affordable Prices
The value for money that vacation clubs and timeshares offer never goes out of fashion! These days there are many more consumer protection laws and regulations which ensure that you don’t have to worry about fraudsters.
Legitimate companies offer great value for money, and high standards too! In fact one of the parts of the industry that is growing most quickly is actually the luxury market. People want five star services and suites for lower prices, and that’s what timeshares offer in the long run. Consistent quality and value.
Great Quality Accommodations
Generally speaking most timeshare resorts will provide accommodation superior to comparable resorts and hotels that don’t offer timeshares. They tend to be more generously proportioned, and it’s more common for them to have cooking and dining facilities as well as the usual bedroom, bathroom and living space.
A Sense of Belonging
But, really, most people buy timeshares or vacation club memberships because they offer something that the average hotel just cannot; a sense of belonging and familiarity that only comes with having a home away from home. That’s essentially what you get when you join a vacation club or buy a timeshare; a vacation home that gives you all the benefits and none of the responsibilities!