Clean Mexican Beaches

    The beaches in Mexico are getting a lot of positive press thanks to a government program in place to ensure the cleanliness of the beaches in the country’s top vacation areas. This year, the Pacific Coast states of Nayarit and Jalisco were top of the list, with 10 certified beaches, four in Puerto Vallarta and six in Nuevo Vallarta.

    The quality of the beaches in Mexico are regulated by the Mexican Institute of Standardization and Certification (IMNC) which sends teams of experts to assess the popular coastal beaches to see if they comply with the standard NMX-AA-120-SCFI-2006 which evaluates various elements such as the quality of the water, the cleanliness of the beach, safety, policing and wastewater management. Other criteria that feature in their assessment, is a no fishing policy, only vegetation that is native to the region can be planted and results of sample water testing need to be displayed somewhere on the beach.

    The regular certification of Mexico’s beaches is great news for visitors and locals alike, trusting that the safety, quality and cleanliness of one of Mexico’s greatest assets is getting the attention it deserves.


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